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Sebina Bulic, MD

LICENSE # 0101257896
Issue Date: 3/13/2015
Expiration Date: 1/31/2026
Status: Current Active

General InformationEducationCertifications & Practice AreaInsuranceHonors & AwardsAcademic Appointments & PublicationsProceedings, Actions & ConvictionsPaid Claims
Unless otherwise indicated, this information has been self-reported and has not been verified by the Board of Medicine.

Academic Appointments
Last Updated 12/19/2023
None Reported
Academic Appointments - Non-US
Last Updated 12/19/2023
Keck Medicine of USC
Rank: Assistant Professor
Years: 2016-Present
(up to ten in the last five years)
Last Updated 12/19/2023
Khandelwal P, Bulic S, Sharma M, Mangla S., Clinical Image Fusiform Basilar Artery Aneurysm and Pontine Stroke. J Vasc Interv Neurol. 2015 May;8(2): 17-8
Date: 05 2015

Hajighasemi-Ossareh M, Burt R, Tsou P, Konye G and Bulic S. “Administration of IV Alteplase in a Patient with History of Secured Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage”. Austin Crit Care Case Rep. 2017; 1(1): 1006
Date: 01 2017

Stickland, B. A., R. C. Rennert, J. Bakhsheshian, S. Bulic, A. J. Correa, A. Amar, J. Carey & J. J. Russin (2018) Botulinum toxin to improve vessel graft patency in cerebral revascularization surgery: report of 3 cases. J Neurosurg, 1-7
Date: 01 2018

National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) as a Predictor of Outcome in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Suzie kazaryan, Kristina Shkirkova, Jeffrey Saver, David Liebeskind, Sidney Starkman, Sebina Bulic, Roy Poblete, May Kim-Tenser, Else Charlotte
Date: 02 2019