Virginia Board of Medicine Practitioner Information

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LICENSE # 0101050994
Issue Date: 7/1/1994
Expiration Date: 2/28/2026
Status: Current Active

General InformationEducationCertifications & Practice AreaInsuranceHonors & AwardsAcademic Appointments & PublicationsProceedings, Actions & ConvictionsPaid Claims
Unless otherwise indicated, this information has been self-reported and has not been verified by the Board of Medicine.

Felony Conviction Information
Last Updated 2/13/2018
None Reported
Virginia Board of Medicine Notices and Orders
Verified by Board
Click Here to view Practitioner's Virginia Notices and Orders
Actions Taken by States/Organizations Other than the Virginia Board of Medicine
Last Updated 2/13/2018
Practitioner has had a disciplinary action taken by a professional licensing board in a state other than Virginia, or by a federal health institution, federal agency, or the voluntary surrender of a license in a state other than Virginia while under investigation
Date: 2008
Entity Taking Action: previously reported
Action Taken:
Date: 2008
Entity Taking Action: VA dept of Health Professions
Action Taken: reprimand for failure to monitor controlled substance and required to complete 20 hours of CME in proper proscribe