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Johanna De Los Santos Larrazabal, MD

LICENSE # 0101238426
Issue Date: 6/13/2005
Expiration Date: 1/31/2026
Status: Current Active

General InformationEducationCertifications & Practice AreaInsuranceHonors & AwardsAcademic Appointments & PublicationsProceedings, Actions & ConvictionsPaid Claims
Unless otherwise indicated, this information has been self-reported and has not been verified by the Board of Medicine.

Medical, Osteopathic, or Podiatric School
Last Updated 12/23/2023
Grad School: Saint Luke's College of Medicine William H Quasha Memorial
State: Metro Manila
Country: Philippines
Year Completed: 2000
Medical, Osteopathic, or Podiatric Post Grad School
Last Updated 12/23/2023
Internal Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
Year Internship Completed: 2003

Internal Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
Year Residency Completed: 2005

Continuing Education
Last Updated 12/23/2023
Continuing Hours: 64
Since: 2018